Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Working With You Custom Prefinisher

Carolina Colortones is one of the few custom siding prefinishers that also sells material retail direct to builders and homeowners. Many prefinishers work with wholesale distributors and retail building supply yards.

This means that Colortones controls quality of not just the application of paint and stain, but the condition and quality of material as well.

If a building supply yard send material to a prefinisher, the yard workers pulling the material isn't doing so with any concern about prefinishing. They might pull broken product, material with heavy splits and knots, or wet and dirty material. They don't know any better. With Colortones, we work tightly with our suppliers to ensure the highest level of usable product is sold. Colortones also cull material in our warehouse to give our customers the highest percentage of useable product possible. All material is kept clean and dry, so coatings will achieve maximum adhesion.

Also, unlike working with a building supply company for your prefinishing needs, all Colortones does is prefinished siding. Your typical building supply salesperson is not going to be as schooled in the nuance and knowledge of the all important siding products.

Check out www.carolinacolortones.com for more information.